Heavy rains have significantly impacted Gujarat over the past week, yet this has not dampened the spirit of Gujaratis celebrating Garba. In Vadodara, a video has gone viral showing people performing the traditional Gujarati folk dance despite knee-deep water flooding the streets. The clip, likely recorded on Janmashtami, captures participants dancing joyfully amid the inundated roads with music playing and cheers ringing out.
In addition to the Garba celebrations, another group was seen preparing for the dahi handi event, with a pot tied to a rope and decorated with balloons. This festive scene took place in the flooded area, highlighting the community’s determination to celebrate despite the adverse conditions.
The Saurashtra-Kachchh region of Gujarat has been experiencing heavy rain, with the India Meteorological Department (IMD) warning of a deep depression potentially intensifying into a cyclonic storm. Although rainfall has decreased in other parts of the state, Vadodara and surrounding areas continue to face flood-like conditions due to overflowing rivers. Authorities are actively engaged in rescue and relief operations to address the ongoing situation.
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