Indian Railways frequently makes the news for various issues, from overcrowded trains and delays to unhygienic conditions and rats in kitchen cars. However, a new incident has taken things to a whole new level. A video has gone viral, showing a coolie lifting passengers into a train coach through a window. This bizarre, yet somehow impressive, act has left many stunned, adding another chapter to the railway’s long list of shocking moments.
In the video, the coolie lifts passengers with ease, sending them directly through the window into the coach.
While the situation may seem dangerous, social media users have reacted with a mix of shock and humor. Some joked about the coolie’s skill, with one user suggesting, “He should be given the best Coolie award by DOGE.” Another quipped, “Created a shortcut in windows,” while someone else commented, “Coolie pro max.”
One user even remarked, “These people in India are very dangerous, where do they get so much brain from?”
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