Amritsar, renowned for its rich cultural heritage and delectable cuisine, has recently seen one of its iconic dishes, the Amritsari kulcha, make waves far beyond its borders. The stuffed, buttery flatbread, which is a staple of Amritsari culinary tradition, is now capturing international attention thanks to a viral video from Shenzhen, China.
Viral Video Showcases Amritsari Kulcha in China
A video posted by the Instagram page Amritsar Is Live has gone viral, highlighting a local street vendor in Shenzhen preparing Amritsari kulcha. The footage, which has garnered over 800,000 views, shows the vendor skillfully rolling out the dough, stuffing it with ingredients, and cooking it in a manner reminiscent of traditional methods from Amritsar. The video’s caption celebrates this cultural crossover, stating, “In Shenzhen, China, we get to see Amritsari kulcha, famous dish of Amritsar.”
Social Media Reactions and Global Appreciation
The video has sparked a wave of excitement among food enthusiasts around the world. Viewers have expressed their delight at seeing traditional Indian cuisine appreciated on an international stage. Comments on social media include:
- “But butter is missing,” reflecting a detail that aficionados often associate with the authentic experience.
- “Being an Amritsari, this is more authentic than ‘Amritsari Kulcha from Delhi’,” highlighting regional pride and authenticity.
- “It’s incredible to see our traditional food making waves internationally!” expressing pride in the global recognition of Indian cuisine.
- “This video makes me proud to see our culture and cuisine appreciated worldwide,” underscoring the emotional impact of the global spread of Indian culinary traditions.
- “I hope this inspires more people to explore and enjoy the diverse flavours of Indian cuisine,” indicating a desire for further culinary exploration.
A Symbol of Culinary Unity
The enthusiasm for Amritsari kulcha in Shenzhen underscores how food can bridge cultural divides and connect people across the globe. The viral video not only showcases the skill involved in making this beloved dish but also highlights the growing global interest in Indian cuisine.
As Indian dishes like Amritsari kulcha gain international recognition, they serve as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage embedded in every bite, fostering greater appreciation and curiosity about the diverse flavors of Indian cooking.