Bengaluru police suspect that a cab driver and his friend were drunk when they began arguing. A 37-year-old cab driver, Lokesh, was allegedly murdered by his friend, Mutturaj, in the parking area of Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) on Tuesday night over a financial dispute. Lokesh was from J P Nagar, while Mutturaj, 31, lived in the Sarakki area.
According to the Bengaluru police, the incident occurred around 11:30 pm on Tuesday when an argument erupted over a Rs 6 lakh loan Lokesh had borrowed from Mutturaj about a year ago. As the argument escalated, Mutturaj grabbed a small knife Lokesh kept in his car and stabbed him in the chest.
Nearby drivers heard Lokesh’s cries of pain and took him to a nearby hospital, but he died after failing to respond to treatment. Mutturaj surrendered to the police immediately after Lokesh died. A police officer stated that they suspect both men had consumed alcohol before the argument started. The Bengaluru Airport police have registered a murder case and are currently investigating.
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