In Uttar Pradesh’s Farrukhabad district, a wedding was abruptly called off after the bride discovered a startling truth about her groom. Following the Jaimala (garland exchange ceremony), the bride learned that the groom was employed in the private sector rather than holding a government job as she had been led to believe. This revelation prompted her to halt the wedding rituals, leaving both families stunned.
The marriage had been arranged with an engineer from Balrampur, Chhattisgarh. An intermediary informed the bride’s family that the groom’s family resided in rented accommodation in Kannauj and described the groom as a government engineer who owned six plots of land and 20 bighas of agricultural land. The wedding proceedings began with the Dwarchar ritual and continued late into the night with the Jaimala ceremony.
At around 12:45 a.m., the bride discovered the truth about the groom’s job. She refused to continue the marriage, stating she could not marry someone employed in the private sector. Her firm stance surprised both families, who tried to persuade her to reconsider. “I was assured he had a government job,” the bride reportedly said.
In an effort to resolve the situation, the groom contacted his employer and obtained his payslip, which he presented to the bride’s family. The document confirmed a monthly salary of Rs 1,20,000, but the bride remained resolute in her decision to call off the wedding.
As the dispute escalated, both families decided to settle the financial aspects of the wedding. The expenses were divided amicably, and the groom left without the bride later that day. Despite their efforts, the bride’s determination to cancel the wedding over the groom’s job status marked the abrupt end of the event.
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