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  • Baby’s Sassy Eye Roll Leave Viewers in Stiches | WATCH

Baby’s Sassy Eye Roll Leave Viewers in Stiches | WATCH

A viral video shows a baby rolling her eyes at her mother, sparking debate about a new generation’s attitude. Users on social media shared their amusement and opinions, with some commenting on the baby's sassy behavior.

Baby’s Sassy Eye Roll Leave Viewers in Stiches | WATCH

For a long time, taunts and criticisms over Gen Z’s ‘sass’ have characterized many who would often call them brats, to say nothing of name-calling on social media. The videos and instances displaying Gen Z’s behaviors only fed the fire. But now that the next generation has stepped forward, there is a seeming competition of who would be the youngest diva next. Last week, social media circulated a video which caused the same kind of debate.

The viral clip shows a baby girl sucking on her pacifier and staring into the camera. Seated beside her is her mother, recording the video. When the mother leans forward to kiss the child on the cheek with a soft kiss, the baby retaliates with a sassiest eye roll. This shocked reaction with amusement of the mother echoed the sentiments of many when they saw the video.

Watch the viral video:

She just wanted a kiss.
byu/mindyour inyouseeingthisshit

This video was shared on Reddit by the handle ‘mindyour’ and gained more than 1,000 upvotes very soon. Users in the comments section are sharing their views, whereby most have found the reaction of the baby funny. People began debating about the increasing ‘sassy’ attitude among young generations. One of them commented, “Bypassed the cute baby phase, went straight to moody teenager.” Another noted, “I can’t believe the baby did it again lol.

Some people even had some jokes about where the child must have learned that attitude. “Ma’am, I think the attitude came from you,” another person quipped. “I wonder where she learned to do that? Like mother, like daughter?” There were also some other comments trying to explain in a comical way for the way the baby is behaving. “The poor baby. Probably wanted its diaper changed.


baby Eyeroll

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