Actor Akshay Kumar has recently announced his upcoming music video collaboration with singer B Praak, following the success of their previous hit songs ‘Filhaal’ and ‘Filhaal 2’. The new song, titled ‘Kya Loge Tum’, features Akshay Kumar and actor Amyra Dastur in the lead roles. Akshay took to Instagram to share the first look poster of the song, expressing that the team behind ‘Filhall’ and ‘Filhaal 2’ is back with another heartbreak song. Fans can expect an emotional and tearful experience when the song released on May 15th. Netizens pours in their reactions.
First user wrote, “B Praak is back and how, this time with Superstar Akshay Kumar and the gorgeous Amyra Dastur. The lyrics of #KyaLogeTum have instantly grown on me. I’ve been listening to this on loop for the nth time.” Second user wrote, “What a cool pairing of Akshay Kumar with Amyra Dastur. This is definitely going to be a hit.”
Third Twitter user said, “Akshay Kumar has once again blessed his fans with a heartfelt song #KyaLogeTum. His pairing with Amyra Dastur has elevated this song to another level. This is going to dominate the music charts for a long time.” Fourth user wrote, “Akshay Kumar always brings great songs for all of us.”
Another user wrote, “This song by Akshay Kumar is the best, friends. What can be better than this?”
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