An IndiGo pilot from Tamil Nadu, Pradeep Krishnan, gained social media attention after a passenger on his flight from Chennai to Mumbai requested him to make an announcement in Hindi. What started as a simple request turned into a charming moment that quickly went viral.

In an Instagram reel, now boasting over a million views, Krishnan is seen delivering the in-flight announcement in Hindi, with his South Indian accent adding a unique and endearing touch to the experience. His attempt included phrases like, “Namaskar, mera naam Pradeep Krishnan hai. Mera first officer ka naam Bala hai… Hum aaj Chennai se Mumbai jaayenge,” as he cheerfully informed passengers about the flight’s details, including the altitude and distance.

Krishnan captioned the post with, “A very sweet passenger asked me to make an announcement in Hindi. indha vechuko! I genuinely tried.” The sincere effort quickly resonated with viewers, collecting over 1.3 million views and sparking admiration across social media.

Netizens praised Krishnan for his genuine effort, with one user commenting, “Love the effort. Thank you for using the national language.” Another user humorously noted that they wished someone had recorded the passengers’ reactions, stating, “You should have taken a video of the passengers’ expressions. Missed it!”

Krishnan’s Hindi announcement, delivered with heart, became a sweet viral moment, showcasing a delightful interaction between a pilot and his passengers.