A CIA employee, Asif William Rahman, pleaded guilty to criminal charges on Friday for unlawfully retaining and transmitting national defense information. The US Department of Justice confirmed Rahman’s admission of guilt in relation to classified documents, which he downloaded, printed, and distributed.

Rahman, an employee at the CIA since 2016, admitted during court proceedings that in 2024, he viewed classified and top-secret materials. These include reports on Israel’s proposed attack on Iran. Court papers show that Rahman printed five classified documents back in spring 2024, brought them home, then modified them and emailed them to improper recipients. In order to hide what he was doing, he erased computer records and then later went back into work and had the documents destroyed.

In the fall of 2024, Rahman did it again, he printed 10 more top-secret documents and distributed them. The final leak occurred in October 2024 when Rahman printed two more sensitive documents on strategies that the Israeli military was planning against Iran. The documents were then published on a pro-Iranian Telegram channel, “Middle East Spectator.”

Rahman, 34, of Vienna, Virginia, was arrested in Cambodia after an investigation. The case, filed in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, has Rahman scheduled for sentencing on May 15, 2025.