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HOME» Tag » Shocking Video: Alleged Drunk Driver Crashes Truck Into Arizona Social Club, Injuring At Least 25 Andhra Pradesh: 4 Killed, Two Injured In Car-Truck Collision On Highway Canada: 15 killed, 10 injured in bus-truck collision in Manitoba Police confiscate 3000 bottles of cough syrup in Assam 7 students killed, 4 injured in auto-truck collision in Chhattisgarh Car-truck collision on Goa-Mumbai highway, nine killed 1 dead, several others injured in bus-truck collision Madhya Pradesh: Medical student died as truck dragged her 50 meters Five held with Rs 60-70 crore drugs in Assam Truck-car collision in Nagaon, 5 died LOAD MORE No More
Advertisement Viral Photo Of Elderly Couple Sparks Debate On India’s Justice System A Bouquet And A Swipe: Jamaican PM Embraces UPI In Delhi’s Streets, Video Goes Viral Female Naval Officers Aim To Become First Indian Duo To Sail Around The World OnlyFans Model Found Dead After Attending Mystery Rapper’s Yacht Party ‘Luxury Check In, Beggar Checkout’: Rajasthan Beggars Beg During Day And Enjoy Night Life In Hotels Melania Trump Confident in Donald’s Victory: “If He Runs, He Wins” ‘Defamed My Son’: Nagarjuna takes legal action Telangana Minister Konda Surekha Advertisement