As the 15th edition of the Indian Premier League concluded on Sunday, Team India is all set to arrive in New Delhi on 5 June for the five-match T20I series against South Africa. India and South Africa will be squaring for the T20I series in Delhi, from June 9, 2022.“Both the team will undergo RTPCR testing on the arrival at their respective hotels. Since there is no bio-bubble for this tournament, both the teams will undergo regular RTPCR testing once on the arrival and after that, the tests will be conducted every day,” a source from DDCA told ANI.
“Teams are arriving on June 5 and we have made all the necessary arrangements for this match and hoping for a full house show. There will also be a green corridor for teams to enter the stadium,” stated further.
As Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma have been rested from the series, Team India will be led by KL Rahul along with Rishabh Pant as the vice-captain. After delivering great performances in IPL 2022, pacers Arshdeep Singh and Umran Malik got their maiden Team India call-up for the series.
Indian Premier League 2022 concluded on Sunday after Gujarat Titans (GT) were crowned champions as they defeated the Rajasthan Royals (RR) by 7 wickets at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. Announcing the reward for the curators and groundsmen across 6 IPL venues this season, Jay Shah in a tweet said: “I’m pleased to announce a prize money of INR 1.25 crores for the men who gave us the best games in #TATAIPL 2022. The unsung heroes – our curators and groundsmen across 6 IPL venues this season.”
Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary Jay Shah on Monday announced the prize money of Rs 1.25 crore for the ‘unsung heroes’ of IPL 2022.
India’s squad: KL Rahul (C), Ruturaj Gaikwad, Ishan Kishan, Deepak Hooda, Shreyas Iyer, Rishabh Pant (vice-captain)(WK), Dinesh Karthik (WK), Hardik Pandya, Venkatesh Iyer, Yuzvendra Chahal, Kuldeep Yadav, Axar Patel, Ravi Bishnoi, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Harshal Patel, Avesh Khan, Arshdeep Singh and Umran Malik.
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