Union Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju on Monday laid foundation stones for various sports facilities costing over Rs 12 crore rupees in the union territory. Rijiju laid foundation for a synthetic track & astro-turf for football in Lehat Open Stadium. The estimated project cost is Rs 10.68 crore and scheduled to be completed by January next year. Similarly, the construction of gymnasium hall in NDS indoor stadium would cost about Rs 1.52 crore and construction will be completed by March 2021.
Rijiju suggested Ladakh UT Administration to constitute awards and incentives like jobs for local sports persons to encourage them to excel in the sporting field. He also asked the ice hockey associations across the country to come together to get the recognition for the sport by following the laid down procedures. He reminded the federations that in principle his minis- try has recognised ice hockey as national sport.
For sports infrastructure and development in Ladakh, he announced relaxations at the function. He asked the UT administration to send proposals to develop sporting infrastructure in places with a thousand population in Ladakh. Under Khelo India program, his ministry would relax the norms and provide funds and the facilities meant for districts in the places suggested by the administration as Khelo India district sub centres. Similarly, sportspersons ex- celled in local events would get training in 23 centres of excellence across the country, depending on their sporting disciplines.
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