Juhi Chawla and Shah Rukh Khan, renowned Bollywood stars and co-owners of the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) IPL team, recently reminisced about their early days managing the franchise. Speaking at an event, Juhi revealed her initial reservations about the team’s color scheme, which Shah Rukh had proposed as black and gold.
She expressed concern over the use of black, traditionally seen as inauspicious, but acknowledged Shah Rukh’s dedication in overseeing every detail from the team’s anthem to their uniforms.
Recalling their early meetings held late at night due to Shah Rukh’s busy schedule, Juhi humorously shared how she often found herself dozing off during discussions, prompting her to eventually step back from attending. Despite their differences, the duo’s partnership spans beyond cricket, having collaborated in numerous films and co-founded Dreamz Unlimited, a production house in the early 2000s.
Their cinematic journey together includes memorable films like “Darr,” “Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman,” and “Yes Boss,” marking a significant bond that extends into their entrepreneurial ventures. Currently, Shah Rukh is preparing for an upcoming crime drama, “King,” while Juhi recently appeared in the Netflix series “The Railway Men.”
Their story highlights not only their shared successes in entertainment and sports management but also the enduring friendship and professional synergy that define their longstanding partnership.
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