With only 50 days remaining for the highly anticipated ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup, the prestigious trophy was proudly displayed at the enchanting Taj Mahal in Agra, Uttar Pradesh on Wednesday. The gleaming silverware, set to be the ultimate prize when the tournament gets underway from October 5 to November 19, radiated under the sun against the magnificent backdrop of the Taj Mahal a true Wonder of the World. This recent visit to the Taj Mahal symbolized a harmonious blend of India’s rich cultural heritage and the pinnacle of cricket, offering an exquisite spectacle for fans as the tournament’s excitement continues to build. The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 Trophy Tour aims to capture the festive and celebratory spirit associated with Cricket World Cups, presenting a series of grand events at some of the world’s most iconic destinations. “50 days to go for #CWC23,” tweeted ICC. On August 9, ICC released a statement to announce the revised schedule for the upcoming World Cup in India on Wednesday. The much-awaited encounter between India and Pakistan in the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 has been rescheduled to a different day, along with this eight other matches of the tournament have also been changed. The clash between India and Pakistan was originally slated to take place in Ahmedabad on Sunday, October 15, but this clash has been moved a day earlier and will now be held at the same venue on Saturday, October 14. Meanwhile, India’s last league game against the Netherlands has now been shifted from 11 to 12 November, a day-night clash to be played in Bengaluru.
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