Manindra Conglomerate Group chairman Anand Mahindra recently shared a video of an Indian-american 10-year-old guitarist named Maya Neelakantan who was playing Papa Roach’s Last Resort with classical notes in America’s Got Talent.
She performed so well, that even usually unimpressed judge Simon Cowell was spellbound and called her a ‘Rock Goddess.’
Meanwhile, Anand Mahindra was so amazed by her performance, he declared, she deserves an opportunity to showcase her talent at the Mahindra Blues festival in Mumbai.
Taking to X he said, ‘Oh My God. Maya Neelakantan is only 10 years old. 10! Yes, Simon, she’s a Rock Goddess. From the land of Goddesses. We have to get her back here to do her stuff at the @mahindrablues! @jaytweetshah @vgjairam.’
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Meanwhile, well known for her metal rock renditions, Maya Neelakantan gave a guitar performance on America got talent episode 4 on June 25.
As the clips of her performance went viral, not just Anand Mahindra, even netizens were bowled over by her performance. She received a lot of admiration and praise for this bewitching performance.
Watch The Performance
Later, she thanked all of her fans and admirers and taking to Instagram she said, ‘I am so grateful that I am blessed with so many amazing people guiding me all the way and have the honor of learning directly from these Guitar Gods. So, Thank You All!’