How Automation will affect your kid’s future in the job market? 

With everything getting automated around us, it compels us to wonder what will be the future of automation. Will tech robots and artificial intelligence replace humans? Will automation overtake crucial IT jobs that exist today? Well, before we start answering these questions, our future generation is going to face it. Today we will analyze how […]

How Automation will affect your kid’s future in the job market? 

With everything getting automated around us, it compels us to wonder what will be the future of automation. Will tech robots and artificial intelligence replace humans? Will automation overtake crucial IT jobs that exist today? Well, before we start answering these questions, our future generation is going to face it. Today we will analyze how automation will transform the jobs of the future. Automation is growing by leaps and bounds & it might be stressful to read all those articles about robots taking over humans in various sectors. It is not unbelievable, robots can perform surgeries with great accuracy & driverless cars are in the pipeline for Uber. There are 12 jobs in China that robots can already do. With such a rapid change in technology around us, what can parents do for their child’s future? Well, you can start by guiding your kids about automation. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, there will be hundreds of millions of new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) jobs by 2030 that don’t even exist now. The same report suggests that automation will take over a significant number of jobs but there will be a balance between jobs lost and jobs created. There is no definite way to understand what the future holds, the best thing you can do is to stay informed and also make your kids aware of the future of technology and how they can build a career in it. No matter how the future of the job market shapes, one can always start preparing for it from their home. Economies are constantly evolving, calamities are constantly happening, and we don’t know what will happen. After the rise of the internet, over 1 million jobs were created – so a person sitting in 1970 couldn’t predict the boom in the technology sector at all. Introducing various automation concepts to kids right from their homes is the best way to prepare them for the future. You can consider the following approaches: 


The saying, ‘curiosity is the mother of invention’ is very true. Kids are curious souls & when you support this curiosity, you prepare them for a uniquely transforming workforce. You can encourage kids to engage in practical learning and creative play. When kids learn by doing things on their own, they start working on finding solutions and innovating.


Every parent wants their kid to be confident. This influences every area of their lives and helps them in pursuing a career. When kids learn to make things on their own, they can think independently & they know they are in control of their future. It also creates a sense of responsibility in them. 


Staying up-to-date with the latest technologies will be extremely helpful for you and your kids. You can discuss the possibilities of their career in the healthcare industry, artificial intelligence, automation, and IoT. All these new technologies are on the rise now and have great job prospects in the future. Preparing your kids for the future, and deciding what they want to become, all of these thoughts might be very overwhelming at once but you can always start from the basics. You can start from the basics of automation with ThinkerPlace. It offers a variety of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) DIY Toys through which kids can learn to make their own gadgets and robots. They learn various innovative skills like automation, robotics, coding, IoT, etc. Our toys are developed to train kids in skills that will be extremely significant in the future. 

The writer is director, The Lexicon Group and MultiFit.
