Exam Time or Stress Time 

Schools, students, parents and examinations share a strange relationship. Although exams happen every year and everyone is preparing, yet this particular time becomes stressful for all the three parties. Schools and parents are stressing about students that they prepare well, whereas students are stressing how this new experience would be like. This year specially, as […]

Exam Time or Stress Time 

Schools, students, parents and examinations share a strange relationship. Although exams happen every year and everyone is preparing, yet this particular time becomes stressful for all the three parties. Schools and parents are stressing about students that they prepare well, whereas students are stressing how this new experience would be like. This year specially, as the students who are appearing for boards, have not given boards earlier. Board exams are not different than any other exam then why do we create so much of fuss about these. Schools have their own commercial and other agendas hence they create pressure on parents and students. It is a proven fact that attitudes or moods are transferable, parents who are anxious about anything and everything, they pass on the feelings to their wards. A child who is already going through so much on every front, looks up to the parents for understanding and support, instead child faces more anxiety and stress. I am a parent of a child who is going to appear for board exams this year, how am I handling this situation? I am having regular conversations with my child about her preparation, challenges, and future plans. We are watching movies/series together during her breaks. We are having meals together so that I can put her at ease generally and make sure she is eating properly. We are discussing about plans about, what if situations so that she is reassured and able to put efforts regardless of whatever the outcome. My child is setting her own study time based on her preferences, I am not forcing her to study on particular times because that’s what I did and it worked for me. Am I not concerned about my child and her results? I am, but can I control this situation in any way by fretting or forcing her to do whatever I say. No then why put her and myself through this misery. Exams and scores are important but these do not define a child completely. So, why should we subject them to so much of stress that they sound like a matter of life and death. I believe let exams be like any other event in life and teach our children to work hard and smart, and accept the outcome whatever may be with right spirit and mind set. Failure or not being perfect is as normal and natural as sneezing and coughing. Why do we then create so much of drama and hype around it? What we must and stress about is being prepared and ready for situations in life.
