The E+R=O formula helps to get from where you are to where you want to be, It is an effective, practical experiential methodology that can help you to change the way you work.

E + R = O: Without this equation, you cannot live the life of your dreams. Now let me tell you the meaning of this equation. Event plus response equal to outcome (Event + Response = Outcome).

Many people keep blaming the events of their life for not being able to become successful. Oh man, the government has started this policy, because of this I cannot start a business. Oh man, God didn’t give me such a sharp brain, that’s why I can’t get good marks.

Everything comes under the event, be it a sentiment, a colleague’s remark, the traffic, an unclear email, a firing, any tragedy, the weather, your partner’s actions, or any encouraging or discouraging incident. In other words, anything and everything that cannot be fixed, changed, or corrected, happens to be an event.

But there is another part in this equation which is called your response. You can change your response in any situation.

Thinking about your thinking

The first step to controlling your reaction is to think about your thinking. How am I thinking? What do I usually think when something like this happens? What emotions do these notions elicit in me? What should I do in response to these sensations and thoughts?  You’ll frequently discover that your response to particular “events” is a result of a thought pattern that has become ingrained in your mind.

Because the brain enjoys certainty more than stimulus, habits develop from repeating action, which builds neural networks. The ability to change the neural networks in our brains, both favourably and adversely, has been called “neuroplasticity” by scientists.  The main lesson here is to think carefully about what you think is under your control and what you believe or not, is in your control.

This is the most crucial element of your job utilising this technique.

  • You can change your way of thinking.
  • You can change your communication skills.
  • You can change your imagination.
  • And you can change your behavior.

These are all things which are under your control.

Response is your choice point, We are now approaching the centre of the activity. This has to do with how you want to RESPOND to things in life.  You have a choice at this moment.

If you start accepting too much responsibility, the ego frequently makes a scene. It can cause thoughts and ingrained beliefs to resurface, such as “Why should I always be the one who changes?” I have a right to be depressed because life has delivered me a very serious blow. “This is totally unfair (and it might be), so why should I respond fairly?” See how this tiny, straightforward formula has power? You must do a completely honest self-evaluation, reevaluate your beliefs, activate your core values, and access sentiments that allow you to respond differently, such as empathy, confidence, optimism, courage, and calmness, to name a few, in order to properly execute it

The Outcome

Both personally and professionally, we can constantly use this formula. Only with complete self-awareness and the widest possible perspective on the external forces we encounter. we will be able to respond to the situation in a favourable manner.  Since we constantly experience outcomes (often without giving them much conscious consideration), this formula at least provides us a greater chance to influence them in the direction we really want.

The internal benefits of exerting 100% of our conscious effort, in our opinion, are the most significant outcome we can ever realise in any of our responses to events outside our control.

The author is an Inspirational Speaker & Entrepreneur.