Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance. Managing your energy rather than your time will help you stay physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned –say Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz How many times have you heard the phrase & quote; wake up early so you can complete all of […]

Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance. Managing your energy rather than your time will help you stay physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused, and spiritually aligned –say Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz How many times have you heard the phrase & quote; wake up early so you can complete all of your tasks?" That advice looks sound. Start early, finish early.

The problem is that it doesn’t work for everyone. Not for the people who are night owls. For night owls, waking up early can lead to fatigue and decreased productivity throughout the day. People have different biological clocks as also people have different work schedules and demands on their time, so it cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach. Several theories have traditionally suggested that 3:30-5:30am is the most productive time when the dopamine release is high, with changing times and a large number of youth staying up till 3:00am the current behavioural changes need to be recognised and addressed.

Not everyone is watching Netflix or gaming online till 3.00am, a lot of writers and artists are doing creative work and lots of business people are unwinding. If we study the time schedules and work patterns of people it will be evident that some people perform better early in the morning, while others perform better later in the day. So, it’s clear that there is something more important than time that people are managing to be successful. And that important factor is “energy”. "While the number of hours in a day is fixed, the quantity and quality of energy available to us is not,” say Loehr and Schwartz. Here’s suggesting three Tips for Managing Your Energy More Effectively During the Workday

1. Identify your peak hours: Energy management starts with identifying your most productive hours of the day. For one week, keep track of your working habits and make a list of the times when you got the most done. Keep an eye and you will notice a high and low energy pattern. Use your high energy hours for high priority tasks.

2. Monotask, don’t multitask: & quote; Monotasking & quote; is a more effective approach to working from the perspective of energy management. Monotasking refers to
combining similar work tasks. Examples include making phone calls, preparing proposals, maintaining your website, producing marketing materials, etc.

3. Pace yourself like a top performer: What do the best chess players, actresses, and musicians have in common with the best athletes? It's interval training, says Florida State University's K. Anders Ericsson and colleagues.
The research team at Ericsson discovered that these professionals were most productive when they worked in concentrated 90-minute sessions interspersed with rest periods. Listening to your body is essential for energy management. Your mind, body, spirit, and emotions are all extremely intelligent. They will tell you what they need and when they need it. It is up to you to listen. So, be smart and manage your energy and not your time.


Dr Manjula Pooja Shroff MD, CEO Kalorex Group.