Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra has ignited controversy with a remark against National Commission for Women (NCW) Chairperson Rekha Sharma. The incident began when a video showed Sharma arriving at the Hathras stampede site, with a man holding an umbrella for her. A social media user questioned why Sharma couldn’t hold her own umbrella. Moitra responded on X, saying, “She (Rekha Sharma) is too busy holding up her boss’s pajamas.”
The NCW reacted strongly, calling for an FIR against Moitra. They described her comments as derogatory and a violation of a woman’s dignity, and requested a detailed action report within three days.
In response, Mahua Moitra challenged the Delhi Police to take immediate action, stating she was in Nadia and available for arrest. She defended her remark, saying, “I can hold my own umbrella.”
The controversy escalated when BJP leader Shazia Ilmi shared a photo of someone holding an umbrella over Moitra’s head, asking, “Whose pajamas are you holding this time?”
This exchange underscores the ongoing political rivalry between the Trinamool Congress and the BJP, highlighting the contentious atmosphere in Indian politics.
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