The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced two additional candidates in its seventh list for the Lok Sabha elections on Wednesday. The party also unveiled the names of 10 candidates for the Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections, scheduled to coincide with the general election. The BJP has nominated Navneet Rana for the Amravati constituency in Maharashtra and Govind Karjol for Chitradurga in Karnataka.
Both seats are reserved for candidates from the Scheduled Caste community. Rana previously won the Amravati seat in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections as an independent candidate.
For the Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections, the BJP revealed N Eswara Rao as its candidate for the Etcherla constituency.
Other candidates declared by the BJP for the Andhra Pradesh assembly elections include: P Vishnu Kumar Raju for Visakhapatnam North; Pangi Rajarao for Araku Valley; M Shiva Krishnam Raju for Anaparthy; Kamineni Srinivas Rao for Kaikalur; Y.S. Chowdary for Vijayawada West; Bojja Roshanna for Badvel; C Adinarayana Reddy for Jammalamadugu; PV Parthasarathi for Adoni; and Y Satya Kumar for Dharmavaram.
The BJP additionally revealed Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini as its candidate for the Karnal assembly by-election.
On Tuesday, the BJP unveiled its sixth list comprising three candidates.
In Rajasthan, the party has nominated Kanhaiya Lal Meena for Dausa and Indu Devi Jatav for Karauli-Dholpur.
Rajasthan, with 25 parliamentary constituencies, will vote in two phases. Phase 1, scheduled for April 19, will witness polling for 12 seats, while the remaining 13 seats will go to polls in the second phase on April 26.
The party has nominated Thounaojam Basanta Kumar Singh for the Inner Manipur Lok Sabha seat. Lok Sabha elections in Manipur will be conducted in two phases.
The election for 543 Lok Sabha seats will take place in seven phases starting April 19. Approximately 97 crore voters are eligible to participate in the general election.
The counting of votes will take place on June 4.
In the 2019 Lok Sabha election, the BJP secured victory in 303 seats, while the Congress won 52 seats.
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