Bollywood actor Zareen Khan has been hospitalised in Mumbai due to dengue. She took to her official Instagram handle and shared her health update from the hospital. Zareen shared a couple of pictures from the hospital and updated fans about her recovery. The actress shared a picture of a glass of fruit juice. In the caption, she wrote, “#RecoveryMode.” She had previously shared a picture from the hospital where she was seen taking IV fluids and added a caption, “#LifeUpdate.”
Take a look at Zareen Khan’s Instagram story
Recently, the actress addressed a question about her early days in the film industry where she was often compared to Katrina Kaif. “When I entered this industry, I was literally like a lost child since I don’t come from a filmy background so it made me feel really happy being compared to Katrina Kaif as I was her fan too and found her really pretty. But it backfired on my career as the people of this industry didn’t give me a chance to prove my individuality.”
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