Member of the Rajya Sabha, YSRCP parliamentary party chief and confidant of Andhra Pradesh CM, V. Vijaya Sai Reddy, had dashed off a letter to the chairman of Rajya Sabha and Vice-President of India, M. Venkaiah Naidu, requesting to take action against Member of Rajya Sabha, Kanakamedala Ravindra Kumar of TDP, citing violation of rules of conduct and procedure by the TDP MP. In his letter, Vijaya Sai Reddy said that Ravindra Kumar, in his motion of Thanks to the President’s address on 4 January, flouted many rules of procedure and conduct of business in the Rajya Sabha. It is unfortunate that most of the statements that he made have not been expunged and are available for public consumption freely. Vijay Sai Reddy has raised the point of order in Rajya Sabha but VP Venkaiah Naidu asked him to submit him in writing.
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