In the light of the stiff opposition faced, Goa Chief Minister Dr Pramod Sawant on Wednesday announced that he will be re-introducing the controversial Bill during the upcoming Winter Assembly session. Dr Sawant also announced that the government would delete the word ‘putra’ from the Bhumiputra Adhikarni Bill 2021.
“Bhumiputra Adhikarini Bill to be withdrawn and reintroduced in Winter session of Assembly with changes,” said the CM in a video message. He further assured to rename the bill as Goa Bhumi Adhikarini Bill as there were sentiments of many people attached to the word ‘Bhumiputra’.
Dr Sawant also said that the government will accept various suggestions from people for which a separate link has been created on “Opposition had the opportunity to put across their suggestions to the Bhumiputra Adhikarani Bill, and if needed, would have even considered sending to Select Committee but they preferred to stage walkout,” he added.
Meanwhile, Dr Sawant said that the Bill will give ownership rights to houses constructed on government and communidade land. “There will be nearly 1.5 lakh households to benefit from it. The Bill is not to facilitate migrants, only those having valid documents to get their name on form XIV,” he informed.
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