Upping his selfie game further, the ever-young actor Anil Kapoor on Friday tried his handson the timer selfies. The “Mr India” actor posted his very first timer selfies on social media. In the pictures that seemed like post-workout selfies, Kapoor is seen posing wearing grip pads in his hand. “Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks! Just took my first timer selfies! I think now I’ll be taking a lot more after this,” he wrote in the caption.
The post was later flooded with scores of comments including the comments of his fashion designer daughter Rhea Kapoor who commented: “I see you’ve discovered the self-timer.” “Where is the old dog? All I see is a young (lion emoji),” wrote Anand Ahuja, Anil Kapoor’s son-in-law and husband of actor Sonam Kapoor
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