The gorgeous Deepika Padukone made her Bollywood debut in the year 2007 in Om Shanti Om. In this romantic drama film, she was paired opposite Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Further, the actress has entertained the audience with some amazing films and has worked with many Bollywood actors like Shah Rukh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, and more, but till now, she has not worked with ‘Dabangg’ star Salman Khan in any of his films.
For those unaware, the gorgeous Deepika had visited the sets of Bigg Boss 9 in the year 2015 to promote her film Tamasha. She looked beautiful in a polka-dot blue coloured shirt and trousers.
The actress first danced with the host of the show Salman then what happened next came as a surprise to all of us. While interacting with the ‘Dabangg’ star, Deepika suddenly went on her knees and proposed to the actor for marriage.
The actress said, “Mujhe Aapse shaadi Karni hai. Will you marry me, Mr. Salman Khan?” The ‘Dabangg’ star started laughing and at the same time was even blushing on hearing this proposal.
But Salman rejected her proposal and said, “Deepika ho ya koi bhi ho, ye nahi ho sakta” and ended up laughing. Deepika later said, “Gadho kya karwa rahe ho mujhse. Jo milna tha milgaya.” Everyone ended up laughing. Later, the actor even sang Main Hoon Hero Tera from the film Hero for Deepika and even danced with the actress.
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