Mark Zuckerberg announced two new updates for WhatsApp groups recently. With the new updates, admins will get more control over their group privacy. These changes follow some updates made over the last few months, including making groups larger, and giving admins the ability to delete messages sent in the groups they manage. “Groups continue to be an essential part of WhatsApp, and we’re excited to give people even more tools to get the most out of groups. Today, we’re excited to roll out a few new changes we’ve made to make these more manageable for admins and easier to navigate for everyone,” the satement read
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday criticised RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat’s recent statement…
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AAP National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal strongly condemned the fatal attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali…
A severe cold wave is gripping North India, bringing dense fog, heavy rains, and freezing…
Most of the WMF list includes sites in conflict zones, such as Ukraine and Gaza,…
After the RDX blast took place at the residence of Punjab Congress leader from Batala,…