WhatsApp, a messaging service owned by Meta, unveiled numerous new features on Thursday. Communities on WhatsApp, in-chat polls, 32-person video calling, and groups with up to 1024 participants are some of the features that will be made available on the platform. “Just like emoji reactions, larger file sharing, and admin delete, these features can be used in any group but will be particularly helpful for communities,” said Whatsaap.
Houthis warn of renewed assaults on Red Sea vessels if the Israel-Hamas truce is violated,…
The BJP is intensifying its criticism of the remarks made by Leader of Opposition in…
BJP formed a third successive government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Since…
The announcement of a ceasefire deal in conflict between Hamas and Israel This agreement marks…
Pope Francis injured his arm after suffering his second fall within a month. The incident…
Jair Bolsonaro’s passport remains seized as he faces coup-related charges. His attempt to attend Trump’s…