Delhi Police Commissioner S.N. Shrivastava on Tuesday visited Outer District, Pitampura to meet the injured police personnel of Western Range. As many as 144 personnel of the Range were injured, some of them critically, in violence during the farmers’ tractor rally on 26 January. In total, 510 policemen were injured in the incident.
He shrugged off criticism about the multi-level barricading and even use of unconventional methods like iron spikes at various borders.
“I’m surprised when tractors were used, police were attacked, barricades were broken on 26th and no questions were asked. We’ve just strengthened the barricades so that they are not broken again,” Shrivastava said.
The Delhi Police chief praised the police personnel for exercising the utmost restraint in the face of the violent behaviour while persuading the farmers to follow the designated routes. He added that the staff took appropriate action understanding the gravity of the situation, in the overall interest of the people of Delhi and the dignity of the force. The Commissioner also lauded the personnel of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) for performing their duty efficiently along with the Delhi Police.
“Patience and control shown by you is right. We’ve to keep ourselves strong and prepare by focusing on intelligence reports,” Shrivastava said. He motivated the staff and encouraged them to be prepared for tougher duties in the coming days. He stressed upon practicing riot control drills and giving due consideration to personal safety, while facing any demonstration.
“Though some financial assistance has been extended to the injured from PFWS funds, it will not compensate for their injuries and pain,” the Commissioner added.
He directed the district heads to stay in constant touch with the injured personnel and wished them a speedy recovery.
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