Mirzapur actress Anangsha Biswas is quite concerned about the cast and crew and is urging the film industry to come forward and help them on a personal level. Anangsha says, “I am filled with gratitude that Covid-19 caught me at a better curb of my life and career. My heart goes out to all my actor friends and colleagues who are alone in Mumbai and struggling to make ends meet. I urge all my colleagues to stand with each other and try to support our industry people.”
The entertainment industry has been facing several problems as serials have gone off-air and film shoots have been stalled because of the lockdown. The supporting actors, cameraman, hairdressers and film crew, whose only source of income they were surviving on came to an abrupt end. “They don’t have any savings and are facing a severe financial crisis during this pandemic,” the actress says. Anangsha has so far been part of series such as Hostages and Maaya 2 and will be next seen in the second season of Mirzapur and Hostages. She has also done films like Khoya Khoya Chand and Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana.
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