While extending his wishes to the people on the Minorities Welfare Day Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy on Friday said, “For the first time in Andhra Pradesh, we have a Deputy Chief Minister, 4 MLAs, 4 MLCs and a woman deputy President of the Legislative Council from the minority community.”
The CM reminded people to observe how the state transformed after he came to power in 2019. “From no power to minorities, to a muslim deputy CM in power now, the state has evolved exponentially,” CM expressed, underlining the efforts taken his government to uplift the status of minorities.
Elucidating on the welfare measures, CM Jagan said, “In the last three years and four months, our government has deposited more than 10,309 crore directly in the bank accounts of 44,13,773 minority beneficiaries through DBT (Direct Bank Transfer) schemes.”
“Besides, through non-DBT schemes, around 16,41,622 minority households have been benefited with financial support worth 10,000 crore. Just through the housing scheme alone, we have distributed 9,400 crore to as many as 2,44,006 Muslim sisters,” CM Jagan added.
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