After allegedly falling from the hostel’s balcony on Wednesday night, a first-year student at Kolkata’s Jadavpur University passed away on Thursday. His classmates transported him in the middle of the night to the nearby KPC Hospital in Jadavpur. On Thursday morning, the patient passed away in the hospital while receiving care. The deceased Swapnodeep Kundu was a resident of the Nadia district of the state and a student in the Bengali Department.
“On 09.08.23 around 23.45 hrs, one 1st year student of Jadavpur University (Subject-Bengali) namely Swapnodeep Kundu ( M/18 Yrs) S/O Ramprasad Kundu of P.S- Bagula, Hanskhali, Nadia somehow fell down from the balcony of 2nd floor of Jadavpur University Main Hostel ( Building No.A2) ( Jadavpur PS area). He received multiple injuries and was undergoing treatment at KPC Medical College. He succumbed to his injuries at 4:30 am today,” said Police.
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