Shah Rukh Khan’s son AbRam showed off his dimples as he smiled and waved at paparazzi after attending Sohail Khan’s son Yohan’s birthday bash (Watch Video). Yohan, the son of Sohail and Seema Khan, celebrated his birthday on June 16. Shah Rukh Khan’s usually media-shy son AbRam was seen warmly interacting with the media, as seen in a viral video.
Yohan, the son of Sohail and Seema Khan, turned a year older on Sunday, June 16. Shah Rukh Khan’s son AbRam, along with Amrita Arora’s son and their friends, attended the birthday celebration. Numerous pictures and videos of the kids exiting a restaurant after the party are going viral on social media. In a video shared by a paparazzi handle, AbRam can be seen at the birthday bash wearing a black and white outfit.
The video captures AbRam leaving the party with Yohan and Amrita Arora’s son, smiling and waving at the paparazzi before getting into his car.Watch: Shah Rukh Khan’s Son AbRam Steals the Spotlight As He Flaunts His Dimples & Waves At Paps After Attending Sohail Khan’s Son’s Birthday Bash
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