Many Bollywood celebrities attended the NMACC launch event on Friday. Even Bollywood superstar joined the family of Shah Rukh Khan at the red carpet of Nita Mukesh Ambani Culture Centre Launch. The Dabangg star posed with SRK’s darling wife Gauri Khan, Aryan Khan, and Suhana Khan.
SRK’s darling wife Gauri came on the red carpet for the opening ceremony of Nita Mukesh Ambani’s Cultural Centre with both her kids Suhana Khan and Aryan Khan. The star wife looked gorgeous in a beige coloured gown. Aryan looked handsome in black pants that he paired with a purple coloured blazer and wore brown shoes. On the other hand, the Archies star looked mesmerizing in a red gown. The moment when they were about to leave, the Dabangg star arrived and called Suhana and Aryan to pose for a picture. He opted for a black suit. The video of them was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram.
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Meanwhile, on the professional front, SRK was last seen in Pathaan alongside Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Next, the actor will be seen in Atlee’s Jawan with Nayanthara and Rajkummar Hirani’s Dunki opposite Taapsee Pannu.
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