Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan is receiving a volley of criticism for ignoring a delivering man who wanted a selfie. Recently, the actor stepped out for a casual dinner with ex-wife Sussanne Khan and boyfriend Arslan Goni. Sussanne’s brother Zayed Khan also joined them. In a video shared by Bollywood paparazzi, the actor is seen exiting a restaurant in Mumbai wearing a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and a matching cap. Just then, a delivery guy comes and tries taking a selfie, but his bodyguard pushes him away. The video hasn’t gone down well with many Instagram users.
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Reacting to the viral video, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Should’ve allowed that Swiggy guy a pic…He was already waiting for quite some time.” Another wrote, “Aise arrogant logon ko Boycott karna hi chahiye!” A third user commented, “You can let media take your pics but that poor guy.. he might never dare to take selfie again with a star celebrity.. Shame.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actor will next be seen in Fighter opposite Deepika Padukone. It will be directed by Siddharth Anand. Apart from this, he will reprise his role as Major Kabir in War. The film will be a part of YRF’s Spy Universe.
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