New Delhi: Vivo on Wednesday expanded its youthful Y series with the launch of Vivo Y31 in India at Rs 16,490 for 6GB RAM + 128GB ROM variant. The smartphone is available for purchase in two attractive colour options- racing black and ocean blue on Vivo India E-store, Amazon, Flipkart, Paytm, as well as across all partner retail stores. The smartphone features 48MP AI Triple Rear Camera setup with photo processing algorithms. The device also has a 2MP Bokeh camera and a Super Night Mode for the rear camera which uses the multi-frame noise reduction algorithm to reduce the noise in your photos. The smartphone also uses Electronic Image Stabilisation (EIS) technology in the rear camera which crops and aligns individual frames, which is further supported by an algorithm that automatically corrects for unstable movements delivering Ultra Stable Videos. On the front, the smartphone has a 16MP camera. The smartphone features a 6.58-inch FHD+ (2408X1080) resolution.
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