A case of cheating a couple of Rs 24.97 lakh in the name of sending money abroad has come to light in Raipurrani district, Panchkula. The accused have been identified as Rajesh Kumar, Komal, Devendra Saini, and Rajeev. According to the information received, Vipin Sharma, a resident of Khedi and son of Ashok Sharma, informed the police that one day his neighbor, Rajesh Kumar, son of Rampal, visited his house. Rajesh informed him that his daughter, Komal, lives in Canada and could help them secure jobs and visas. Rajesh assured Vipin that Komal would take care of the entire process.
Believing Rajesh, Vipin and his wife handed over necessary documents to Komal for the visa application. Komal, during the conversation, requested Rs 35 lakh from Vipin and his wife, claiming it was for the visa process. In a smooth talk, the Aakar couple provided Rs 50,000 to Komal twice, on January 18, 2022, and January 19, 2022, for file expenses. Subsequently, on May 10, 2022, Komal, along with her father, received sixty thousand rupees from them. Additionally, on November 9, 2022, ten thousand rupees were transferred via Google Pay.
On October 25, 2022, Komal deposited Rs 27,000 into the account of her friend, Devendra Saini, through Google Pay. Komal later informed Vipin that their file process had been completed, and the visa for both of them would arrive soon. In response, Vipin withdrew ten lakh rupees in cash from HDFC Bank and handed it over to Komal. Another ten lakh rupees were given to Rajesh upon Komal’s request. However, when Vipin inquired about the visa, Komal provided different excuses daily.
After some time, Komal sent a visa confirmation letter to Vipin through WhatsApp. Suspecting foul play, the couple had the visa letter verified, only to discover it was fake. Vipin promptly reported the incident to the police. Upon receiving the complaint, the police registered a case against the four accused and initiated an investigation into the matter.
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