On Tuesday night, Shraddha Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna crossed paths at the Ambani Ganpati puja on Tuesday night. However, social media users noticed that Shraddha did not greet Rashmika and accused her of ignoring her. Social Media users took to the comments section and shared their thoughts. One of the social media users asked, “Has Shraddha Kapoor intentionally ignored Rashmika Mandanna?” Another asked, “So Shradha and Rashmika don’t even wave hi or even smile to eachother???” One of the fans said, “She might have not recognized her.” Another added, “She might not kno who Rashmika Mandana is.” One of the fans also stated, “Shraddha was leaving and she was looking outside and paps were busy taking Rashmika pictures …Shraddha didn’t had any eye contact as she was leaving …it’s accidental..pls stop this.”
Check out the viral video below
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Shraddha is reportedly a part of Chandu Champion, headlined by Kartik Aaryan. The actress is ready to return for Stree 3. On the other hand, Rashmika Mandanna’s next Bollywood film is Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal.
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