Popular Bollywood actors Ranbir Kapoor And Arjun Kapoor were seen having a perfect boys’ night as they stepped out together to watch Oppenheimer. They met for dinner at a famous restaurant in Mumbai. Later, they headed to a theatre nearby along with their other friends and attended the screening of the Christopher Nolan directorial. Their video from the theatre is now going viral on social media handles.
In the viral video, Ranbir looked handsome in a black sweatshirt, which he paired with a matching cap, and his signature thick beard. On the other hand, Arjun Kapoor opted for a black hoodie, which he teamed up with a matching beanie cap, a semi-long hairdo, and a thick beard.
Oppenheimer is inspired by the life of Robert J Opprenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, and is based on the 2005-released biography American Prometheus. It features a stellar cast including Robert Downey Jr., Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Florence Pugh and is produced by Syncopy Inc. and Atlas Entertainment, and distributed by Universal Pictures.
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