Bollywood diva Disha Patani never fails to impress all with her fashion and style. The actress is once again setting fire on social media. In a viral video from the red carpet of the show, the gorgeous actress looked stunning in a bold pink gown with a plunging sweetheart neckline, thigh-high slit, and a train at the back. She sported pink strapped high heels and opted for minimal accessories. Reacting to the viral video, one of the fans wrote, “She looks gorgeous.” Another wrote, “mermaid.”
Check out the viral video below
Previously, the gorgeous actress celebrated her 31st birthday. On the special occasion, her best friend Mouni Roy penned a heartfelt birthday wish for her. Disha and Mouni became close friends after they travelled together to the US for The Entertainers Tour.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress is ready to grace the big screen in the upcoming action-thriller film Yodha. In the film, she will be sharing the screen with Sidharth Malhotra and Raashii Khanna. Disha is simultaneously involved in Nag Ashwin’s highly anticiapted project, titled Project K. It features Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, and Amitabh Bachchan.
Stay tuned to The Daily Guardian for more such news.
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