The Laal Singh Chaddha actor Aamir Khan was spotted with his ex-wife Reena Dutta in Mumbai. The couple posed and smiled for the photographers as they exited the venue together. In the viral video, the actor was seen keeping it casual in a blue short kurta that he paired with black paints. On the other hand, Reena wore a simple plain kurta with white paints and a pair of slippers.
Check out the viral video below
The video of the ex-couple was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram. Reacting to the viral video, many social media users dropped heart emojis in the comment section. For the unversed, in December 2002, they ended their 16-year-long marriage after the actor filed for divorce.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor was last seen in Laal Singh Chaddha. The film is an adaptation of Forrest Gump. Soon after, Aamir made a cameo appearance in the Hindi film Salaam Venky headlined by Kajol and Vishal Jethwa.
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