Actress Neetu Kapoor wished her son-actor Ranbir Kapoor on his birthday. She also gave a peek into the surprise midnight celebrations. The picture showed a table decorated with roses and has two birthday cakes on it. Sharing the pictures, Neetu wrote, “Birthday celebration with my most special.” Also, the actress shared another picture on her Instagram stories wishing the actor on his birthday. In the caption, she wrote, “Happy Birthday (heart emoji) feel grateful for this special human being.”
Take a look at Neetu Kapoor’s Instagram story
Birthday boy’s darling sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni wasn’t behind in wishing her little brother on his big day. Riddhima shared multiple unseen visuals, some from their childhood and others from Ranbir and Alia’s wedding. In the caption, she penned, “Happy happiest birthday Rans! May this special day in your life be beautiful, full of love, laughter and happiness. I promise to bug you forever. #reallifetomandjerry #brothersisterlove.”
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