The gorgeous ‘Blind’ actress Sonam Kapoor wore an outfit that belongs to her sister Rhea Kapoor. She took to her official Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures of herself wearing a white midi dress. In the caption of her post, the actress wrote, “Summer ethereal white, for a dance party…Wearing my sister’s dress, styled by her.”
The talented actress revealed that the outfit is owned by her darling sister Rhea Kapoor. Rhea Kapoor also shared a series of pictures of Sonam on her official Instagram handle. In the caption, Rhea wrote, “Like a swan. Sharing dresses since 1987 with [Sonam Kapoor].”
Sonam was dressed up for a dance party in white dress with ruffled bottom ruffles and a tied collar. The actress completed her look with minimal makeup, a low bun, and minimal accessories. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress was last seen in Blind. It marks her return to the acting world after a long hiatus. On the other hand, Rhea collaborated with Ekta Kapoor for the upcoming film The Crew.
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