Anand Ahuja took to his official Instagram handle and shared three beautiful pictures from his visit to Lord’s Cricket Ground with Sonam Kapoor and Vayu. The first picture shows Anand adorably holding Vayu. The next picture shows the actress sitting next to her husband as he holds baby Vayu in his arms. In the third picture, baby Vayu is seen sitting on Daddy Anand’s shoulder. Sonam and Anand Ahuja are twinning in black outfits, while baby Vayu looks cute in a white printed outfit. In the caption of his post, Anand wrote, “Put me in, coach. I’m ready! #VayusParents #EverydayPhenomenal.”
Check out the viral photos below
Reacting to the viral pictures, one of the users wrote, “My angel.” Another wrote, “Vayu Kapoor next cricket star for team India.” A third fan wrote, “so cool.”
The power couple tied the knot in 2018 and welcomed their son Vayu in August 2022. On the professional front, the actress will next be seen in Shome Makhija’s Blind. Earlier, it was reported that the actress will be exclusively managed by the boutique agency YRF Talent. Her return will begin with two tentpole projects, details of which are currently under wraps.
Stay tuned to The Daily Guardian for more such news.
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