Bollywood diva Rekha and her secretary made an appearance for the special screening of Ranveer Singh-Alia Bhatt’s romantic entertainer Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. In the viral pictures, one can see Rekha and Farzana arriving in a car. Rekha looked captivating in a pristine, white saree. Also, she sported big black sunglasses and a beautiful earring to complete her look. On the other hand, Farzana sat beside her in a white sweatshirt.
Bollywood diva Rekha often finds herself in the spotlight, not just for her talent but also due to her personal life. Recently, her biography, Rekha: The Untold Story by Yasser Usman has sparked fresh interest as it allegedly reveals Rekha’s live in relationship with her manager, Farzana.
Now, the author has finally dismissed the claims through a tweet and wrote, “The quotes alleging a ‘live-in relationship’ ascribed to my book ‘Rekha The Untold Story’ are a complete fabrication, falsification and misrepresentation evidently intended to create sensationalism. I vehemently assert that the quotes mentioned in the media articles are entirely absent from my book.”
He added, “Furthermore, throughout the entire manuscript, the phrases ‘live-in relationship’ or ‘hermetic existence’ or ‘the biography claiming the relationship is sexual’ have never been used. These incorrect quotes are a result of poor clickbait journalism and keep on resurfacing every few years. If these quotes attributed to me or my book ‘Rekha The Untold Story’ are not immediately rectified, we will not hesitate to pursue legal action against the publications responsible.”
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