Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar was seen making his way to the BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi and attending a special prayer at the temple. For those unaware, the actor is currently shooting an intense action schedule for Bade Miyan Chote Miyan in Abu Dhabi. He was invited to the temple with producer Vashu Bhagnani by Shri Swami Brahmaviharidas ji and other board members.
Akshay and the delegation were shown the ‘Rivers of Harmony’ exhibition, which offers them a glimpse into the beginning of the BAPS Hindu Mandir. The actor and Vashu Bhagnani also took part in a prayer ceremony where they placed a brick in the construction of the temple. Now, pictures of their visit have surfaced online. In the viral pictures, the actor is seen wearing a white shirt and a pair of black pants along with a construction safety hat. He has a massive garland of flowers placed around his neck. In one of the pictures, Akshay was seen placing the construction stone.
Check out the pictures below
Meanwhile, the actor has been away from the spotlight, focusing on his upcoming projects. In Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, he shares the screen space with Tiger Shroff. Apart from this, he has OMG-Oh My God 2 and Soorarai Pottru remake in his kitty.
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