On Sunday night, many Bollywood celebs including Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri, and Karan Johar were seen coming together to celebrate the wrap-up party of Mere Mehboob Mere Sanam. Vicky Kaushal arrived with his brother Sunny Kaushal. The actor opted for a casual outfit as he wore a black sweatshirt with denim jeans. Filmmaker Karan Johar was seen sporting a black t-shirt paired with a matching blazer and denim jeans. He also posed with Kim Sharma for the paps. Triptii Dimri, on the other hand made heads turn in a green slit dress.
Have a look
For the unversed, the film is backed by Karan Johar’s production.
Earlier this year, Anand announced the release date of his film. Without revealing the title of the film, he wrote, “Excitement se ekdam ho rahe hain pagal amrit aur mein !!! Thank u hai @karanjohar @apoorva1972 @somenmishra @dharmamovies aur @primevideoin iss Sundar si aur badi si opportunity ka!! Milte hain jald cinema gharon mein jantajanardhan!!! 25th Aug aapke dilno mein basne hum aa rahe hain.”
Mere Mehboob Mere Sanam stars Vicky along with Tripti Dimri. It also stars Amy Virk and is directed by very talented Anand Tiwari.
Stay tuned to the Daily Guardian for more such news.
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