In a recent interview, Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal heaped praises on wife Katrina Kaif. He told Film Companion, “She will say the fact as a fact, especially when it comes to my performance or my trailer. When I show her my dance rehearsal, then I am dead. I know this is coming from all that experience, and it helps me so much. When it comes to making decisions, when I am wondering ye karu ya wo karu (what should I do)… she will really state things which I know are coming from so much experience of highs and lows, of right decisions and mistakes. When she has an opinion, I know I have to consider it seriously because it is very objective. That wisdom and practicality is something very commendable.”
Vicky continued, “Knowing her, not everything was going as per her, she has really hustled and worked hard and aced it. I don’t want to cross a line on her behalf but I truly feel that like there was Hema Malini’s era, Rekha’s era and I truly feel she has achieved that sort of milestone on her merit.”
The gorgeous couple tied the knot in 2021 in an intimate ceremony at Sawai Madhopur with only close friends and family members in attendance.
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