Veteran Bollywood singer Kumar Sanu has tested positive for Covid-19. In a Facebook post on Friday, the singer’s team informed his well-wishers and fans that Kumar Sanu has contracted coronavirus and urged them to pray for his speedy recovery. Reports say that Kumar Sanu had plans to visit his family in Los Angeles earlier this week but had to cancel that plan due to his Covid diagnosis.
Regarded as the ‘king of melody’ in the 90s, Kumar Sanu has sung over a thousand Bollywood songs and lent his vocals to songs in multiple languages including Bhojpuri, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Assamese, Marathi, Oriya, Urdu, English, Spanish and more. The Government of India honored him with a Padma Shri in 2009. Some of his popular tracks include Dheere Dheere, Aankh Marey, Chura Ke Dil Mera, Dard Karara, Saajan Ji Ghar Aaye, Mera Dil Bhi Kitna Pagal Hai amongst others. Earlier this week, Kumar Sanu’s son Jaan Kumar Sanu participated in Bigg Boss 14. Urging his fans to extend their love and support to Jaan, Kumar Sanu released a video message on social media stating that he is very happy that his son is going to Bigg Boss house. Jaan has all his good wishes, blessings and luck and he requests all his fans to keep him in their blessings.
Interestingly, Jaan opened up about his parents’ separation soon after entering the show. In a conversation with his fellow contestants Nikki, Sara and Jasmin, Jaan said, “For me, my mother plays the role of both parents. My parents separated when my mother was six months pregnant with me hence I have grown up with her only since childhood.”
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