Actress Vaani Kapoor is happy to see the industry bouncing back. Akshay Kumar and his co-stars of ‘Bell Bottom’ have completed the shoot amid pandemic. “Shooting for ‘Bell Bottom’ has been fun and a good experience. Despite the challenges amid the ongoing pandemic, the team managed to have a really smooth and safe shooting experience while filming with a large crew, for which they deserve all the credit,” said Vaani. “We were made to feel safe on the sets because of their commitment to safety and hygiene,” she added. On finishing the shoot on time amid pandemic, Vaani said, “I hope it gives encouragement and confidence to other people back home to shoot.” The actress is gearing up to start shooting for Abhishek Kapoor’s untitled romantic drama opposite Ayushmann Khurrana. “I’m looking forward to shooting with Ayushmann for this progressive love story that is being directed by Abhishek Kapoor. I couldn’t feel more grateful that my industry is slowly bouncing back.”
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